An Update From Enus

The entire fleet has completed their refits, we are now fully combat operational. Our Immobilizer, the INV Hound, has been refit to include the ability to interdict the warp cores of a majority of Solus Tempus warships. Imperial Security Bereau officer Tierney has interrogated our prisoner, Lieutenant Commander Megan Shepard. He has achieved fantastic results, I must give him credit. I have yet to see anyone break a prisoner as quickly as he broke Lieutenant Commander Shepard. We now have the command codes of their inter-dimensional gates, and the USS Pegasus. We also have a complete list of the ships in Schatten System, with the general armaments and captains, as well as the position of other orbital defenses. I have also recieved a report from my agent residing on Nimbus. Tensions are rising, and I have assigned agent Tarkiel to assist in creating more strife. I organized a trap for Solus Tempus forces, but they came prepared and I nearly lost the Serpent, and I did lose several vital support vessels and fighters. After a short stop in Federation space, I will be returning to Onyx spacedocks for repairs.