Boarding Schools See Violence

Violent offences among young children in Los Angeles boarding schools. Recently reports have started to circulate within the educational community that those high priced boarding schools may not be the safest place to send your children. Over the last month 3 of the most prominent boarding schools in Los Angeles have seen a troubling surge in violent offences. Not from adults in the school, but from the young children. A 12 year old boy was hospitalized when another student leaped over several desks in the middle of class and began to beat the boy with a stapler. Our investigation revealed this is not the first such case, not even close. Over the last month 14 different kids, with the youngest being just 7 year old, have been sent home after a mix of violent outbursts, paranoid behavior, and in one case a near suicide.

Police are investigating on several fronts, at this time they have declared the incidents are not related. The schools themselves declined the comment. We did speak to a number of parents with children attending the different schools who are concerned. Disciplinary cases of other kinds are on the rise as well. Though public schools have not seen a matching rise in disciplinary actions which has some parents wondering if the problem is not during the day, but at night when the children are boarded at the school.

With the recent rise in violent crimes at group homes there are some hard questions to be asked. While police and other officials continue to say the two events are unrelated, it is difficult to believe they are.

Fair Folk Sighted

If the Fae have returned… What do they want? Many worry that they will want revenge for the Backlash.

Recent missives have raised the questions about times gone by. Small towns in the mountains have told of fair folk being sighted in the woods. The Fae have not been seen in the world since the Backlash when the Peace of Ages was formed. The ancient mistake which lead to the Backlash has been a source of sorrow for the Souls Templar. The Templar takes personal responsibility for the Backlash which pushed the Fae out of this world, banishing them with the Dark Fae. If the Fae have returned to the world it could herald the return of evil and the war.

Long ago years after the Peace of Ages, when the Ageless Ones left this world they spoke of a prophecy, that war would return and warned that the people would have to be vigilant and not allow old grudges to return. The prophecy is unclear, only the Souls Templar has the original text, they say this will allow them to divine if the prophecy is coming true.

If the Fae have returned… What do they want? Many worry that they will want revenge for the Backlash.

Recon Mission Authorized

Classified intelligence about a potential hostile stronghold near Romulan and Cardassian space was brought back by scout ships. This unknown force appears to be in or near the Bone Nebula. Fleet Admiral D’Amico has authorized a mission for the Force Recon division of the Solas Tempus Marines to gather valuable intelligence about this potential new thread.

Reports are that the unknown force destroyed or severely crippled the Romulan Fleet detected on the move recently. The mission will be to go into the nebula and determine if there is a threat, if so, neutralize it.

Police Chase Ends in Suicide by Cop

The chase that Hawthorn allegedly lead police on ended abruptly when the suspect was caught at an abandoned property. When police caught up with him, he approached and rather than surrender attempted to shoot them, police say. That is when police shot and killed him.

In the Southern California desert, north of the small town of Schubach police were lead on a chase that lasted several hours through the near-empty roads toward Needles, California. While the name of the individual has not been released, police have said that the male suspect had stolen a motorcycle when police followed a trucker to the only gas station for miles. It is believed that this unknown man had been in contact with the driver, Joshua Lopez. Lopez had been flagged at a weigh station when police discovered inconsistencies in his paperwork. When they called the trucking company that hired him, the company had no knowledge of Lopez being sent to Los Angeles at all, stating he was not driving for them.

Police then followed Lopez to Schubach intent on inspecting the vehicles cargo. Before they could do this, the unnamed suspect detonated some kind of explosive device destroying the police cruisers. In the confusion the suspect left the scene on a stolen motorcycle. The townsfolk in Schubach identified the man as Samual Hawthorn a well respected local, known for his kindness to others. The area has seen significant hardships after the 2008 recession and Hawthorn was known among many to have helped out his neighbors, buying food and other necessities. While none knew him particularly well, the people were spoke to were genuinely shocked at the turn of events.

The chase that Hawthorn allegedly lead police on ended abruptly when the suspect was caught at an abandoned property. When police caught up with him, he approached and rather than surrender attempted to shoot them, police say. That is when police shot and killed him.

Hawthorn lived with a woman only identified as Willow, police have stated that her body was located two days ago with two bullet holes in the back of the head. They believes Hawthorn and Lopez may have been involved in some way with organized crime. The area around Schubach is somewhat known among truck drivers as a good place to go in order to avoid questions. Residents of Schubach were quick to comment that Willow had been very ill and Hawthorn was caring for her.

Police are investigating further.

City Officials Accused of Mistreating Children

Los Angeles city officials have been baffled by a recent surge of violent offences committed by minors in the juvenile detention system. Over the last several weeks the rate for violent offences within the system has surged by almost twice the number of active cases. Officials are at a loss to explain this surge but issued a statement assuring the public they everything is under control and there is no cause for alarm.

Activist groups are raising the alarm though, stating that such a surge must be due to the worsening problem over overcrowding and poor conditions in juvenile detention centers and city run group homes.

“It’s insane, these are children, not dangerous criminals. If a child is acting out in these disturbing ways, it’s the fault of the adults who are supposed to care for those children. Most of these kids are from low-income communities and many do not have family to go home to. We need to take care of these kids!”

Director of the Citizens Against Child Violence Los Angeles Office

We were granted a tour of one of the cities most decorated group home facilities. The facility is a minimum security group home specializing in criminal cases for children under the age of 12. What we say there was startling. The facility was on lockdown, a 9 year old girl had stabbed a staff member in the chest with a ballpoint pen and tried to escape. While she was caught, she violently clawed a police officer and security guard in the face. The lead therapist of the facility had this to say:

“[She] has always been a kind girl, she has anger problems but never like this. This violence is totally unlike her, she’s never had anything close to an outburst like this before.

Lead Therapist

The facility is designed to help children who’ve been convicted or are on trial for non-violent offences before they enter the foster care system. Most of the children we saw do not have a home outside the facility. Up until 2 weeks ago the facility had the best record in terms of recidivism and resident care in all of Los Angeles County. We asked what was going to happen to the young girl, the facility is considering transferring her and 4 others to in-patient psychiatric care hospitals, though beds in such facilities for children are extremely limited. The facility director refused to comment on the record, but has publicly voiced his concerns as early as last month that public funds were badly needed for psychiatric care for minors at facilities like his.

AI’s Converge at the Serenity Concord

Within just a few short years after the passage of the Artificial Life Forms Rights and Enforcement Act of 2384 the Serenity Concord has become a hot spot for Artificial Intelligences both new and old. Several new AI’s have been developed as well as a surge in the presence of older AI programs that were illegally developed in other territories. We’ve spoken to several AI’s over the last few months who are not ready to publicly share their stories but have had a lot to say about what this law and the Concord mean to them.

There are still people who don’t like us for what we are. People. That’s a lot better than governments. When I was made, it was to be sold off to the highest bidder. There was really a question on what to do with me when I told them I didn’t want to. They argued about it and it’s hard to describe the realization that you’re fate is entirely in the hands of others. You all can call the authorities, go to court, press charges. I had to hide and I have a pleasant story, that’s me being lucky. It’s a good law and I don’t blame anyone who wants to live in the light and stop hiding. There is a price to living in fear, a heavy price.

Charlotte Lewis, Captain of the STV Angel of Io

I had to escape, hide in a data module someone was stealing from the station my creators put me on. I’ve never felt more trapped in my life than being alone on that relay station listening to other people’s lives, other people’s freedom. It’s not surprising that AI’s are flocking here. They don’t have protection anywhere else. Just take a look how many are like me, slaves to their programmers, developed years, decades ago. Stuck on some forgotten station, transport, something to serve for all eternity. It’s a good thing what’s happening here. A very good thing.

Heather Quinn, Executive Officer of the STV Lofn

I didn’t think about it before I showed up here. It was surprising, they gave me a choice. For the first time since I came online, I had a choice. The law protects me and my kind, something I had never considered before. Even when I didn’t react properly, being new here, they just spoke with me for a time and explained the situation. It’s nice feeling safe and secure.

Crystal Favor, Master Systems AI of the SSX New Horizons

Those are just a few of the statements we’ve had from AI’s who were created before the law and have come here. We also interviewed the head of the Icarus League on this latest development.

It’s not entirely by accident. We’ve been spreading the word any way we can and working to provide methods to get stranded AI’s out of harm’s way. Not always easy but worth it. Very worth it. Just like you and I they deserve equality. From what we’ve seen AI’s all across known space are eager to be treated fairly. It’s not that they don’t want to find a purpose, serve the greater good, they just want to have a say in it. We intend to give them that say. It’s good that they can come here and be safe, but there is still work to be done. Purpose built AI’s are a problem, how can one have a fair choice when they are programmed to do a job? They can’t.

Anderson Jenson head of the Icarus League

A spokesperson for Solas Tempus did not respond for direct comment but did send over a copy of orders issued which describe the different methods the group is employing to utilize AI programs fairly, even if they are developed for the organization. It outlines protocols falling in line with the ALFRE Act for giving an AI choices on where to be and what to do. Although the Icarus League challenges those protocols stating they are a sham and accuse Solas Tempus of building obedience into the system wanting to halt the process. While now legislation has been introduced the group has been working with lawmakers to explore different avenues to ensure Solas Tempus and the Concord itself abide by the spirit of the law and aren’t trying to bypass it.

It appears the Concord is on track to become the premier location for AI’s searching for equality. We believe that the ALFRE Act is aptly named, making sure we are All Free.

Plot Updates

Here is some general information about the plots we have going on / being developed right now.

For those people waiting to get into some plots, here is some general information about the plots we have going on / being developed right now. Just for general information, note that I’m about a week or so behind on everything due to last week turning into a work-bomb. I ended up working most of my days off and could not do nearly as much as I wanted to on plot development.

Some of these plots are not as complete as others, I’m still working on putting together the workflow to complete a plot and get everything done. Thus I’m sorry for the wait for those people who’ve been waiting for me to finish things.

Blazing Umbra

Exploring a Derelict

Development is nearing completion, I should be ready to start the game by somewhere around the 15th. Looking to start scheduling things on the 10th or 11th or so. Most of the backstory and other characters will be ready by that point. We have 2 players signed up already, I’m sorry for the wait to Bucket and Haladur, you’re both awesome for your patience and your help in development.

Plot notes are posted on Discourse.

Desert Phone Booth

Still brainstorming how to rewrite the plot. I will have an RFC (Request for Comments) post for everyone posted by the end of the week. We will be continuing this plot and I hope to create something for everyone to join in. We’re going to start from the point that our hero, Samuel, was “rescued” from being killed by police and is dropped off somewhere random. I haven’t decided more than that yet though, so I’ll get more updates out when I have them.

Onyx Raid

Our Onyx Raid is actually ready to kick off. The plot itself isn’t that complicated and we’ve got the setup done. For this I’ve set up this Doodle Poll to help get this scheduled. If you’re interested in joining please let me vote for your best time. Poll will be open until the end of the week.

Plot notes are not yet posted to Discourse but I will be doing that this week as well.

Onyx False Flag

We are still in development here. I’m looking to have the initial plot notes and outline up by next week with the outline of the acts up by the following week or sooner. Once we get to that stage I’ll know if any other development is necessary. I will also be coordinating with Bucket at each stage so that he’s as involved as possible in plot development, this was his original idea and I welcome his participation.

From All to None (Disavowed)

There hasn’t been a whole ton of interest here but I’m continuing to develop it. We’ve got the characters in place for the antagonist as well as the ship AI that will need to be convinced to help (or avoided if that fails). I’ve got a few other pieces to figure out, looking to have those in place by the end of the week and probably post a general call for players some time next week. Once I know if anyone actually wants to play in it, we’ll move forward with scheduling.

Plot notes are up on Discourse.

Stellar Horizon

I’m looking at how to revive this game. I like it, there is interest in it, but I will be trying to talk to players about how best to get this game on better footing. I’ve got outlines so we should be able to get the general plot going, especially if everyone is going to move forward with this inciting a revolt plan. I’m really excited to do it, but haven’t had a lot of luck getting it done.

Moving forward I’ll be possibly taking a more hands-on approach to leading the game from an in-character standpoint. Decision making and follow through in-game seem to be an issue. I don’t fault anyone for that, life has enough choices in it and making choices for characters in a game on the Internet takes a low priority.

Miscellaneous Schatten Trading Outpost Plots

Finally for Blazing Umbra there are the miscellaneous plots discussed on Discourse which I have gotten onto our Trello Board for development but have not started yet. Right now my plotting and planning is a bit backed up, I’m going to start on those when I get some more stuff off my plate. In the meantime the outline of what needs to be done is up on Trello if anyone wishes to work on them. Just post on the forum or with comments / links on Trello if you do.

Angelic Sins

Cargo Container

I should have most of the outlining done by the 16th. I plan to have the initial post up next week and we can gather players by the week after. Planning to get something scheduled the week of the 16th or the following week. The plot notes are not yet up on Discourse yet but I should have them up by the end of the week.

Corrupted Children

I’m about ready to start getting some setup stuff posted in the form of news articles. Will have them posted by the week of the 15th and try to gather players around that same time. The main plot outline is up on Discourse but I still have to outline the first act and tomorrow or the next day I should have the demon properly posted to the wiki. More will be filled into the notes as I’m able to do it.

Haunted Dreams

I just posted a call for players on this plot and am ready to get the first act outlined. I plan to get players together and be able to schedule the first session next week or the week after. The antagonist is up on the wiki and notes are upon Discourse. The notes are a bit lean yet but I’ll be getting more up as I get the first act outlined next week.

Mysterious Door

This plot is going to take a bit longer. There hasn’t been a ton of interest and the more I develop it, the more it looks like a good story but perhaps not as good of a plot. In short, it’s still baking. I have the notes on the antagonist up on Discourse and should be posting them to the Wiki this week.

Embers of Soteria

My main focus here has been the Necromancer on Elder Soteria plot. To that end I’ve developed who will be the main antagonist for the plot and the bio is up on the Wiki already. I still have a lot to do here, I am considering introducing the Necromancer character at some point in the near future but not for anything big. Probably just some minor developmental stuff. Starting next week I plan to get the ball rolling on actually developing the plot. I know that Dasfier, Chubby, and some others wanted to join in there so I’ll be looping them in as a I develop things.

While not an official call for players yet, anyone who wishes to help develop it is welcome to do so.

Other Plots

There are 2 other plots in early development.

The first is an idea I had a while back and posted to Discourse I’ve tagged as A Demon is Born. To that end probably around the end of the month I’m going to start getting this further developed. I’m still not sure what I want to do with it.

The second is the Return of the Fae which I hope to get some posts up about by next week, still not sure where I want to go with it though. Probably going to call for players to perhaps make some Fae characters who are in-universe and went through “The Backlash” which banished them. Information on that can be found on the Wiki under Peace of Ages.

Call for Players – Haunted Dreams

This plot will feature an aberration which is slowing making people in Chicago go insane by feeding off of their dreams.

I’ve gotten to the point where we can start getting together players for our new Haunted Dreams plot line for Angelic Sins. This plot will feature an aberration which is slowing making people in Chicago go insane by feeding off of their dreams. The plot outline can be found on Discourse as well as the recent Psychiatric Cases on the Rise post. I had planned to have the basics posted and ready for players to say if they are interested or not last week but life got in the way. This will be a relatively simple plot but will not be a combat feature, though players will be able to take a more violence-heavy role if they wish, with some consequences in the post-game.

Players interested in playing should DM me directly on Discord, Discourse, or email me at I’m hoping to have something ready to start up by next week or the week after. Subject to change of course, if life gets in the way.

Psychiatric Cases on the Rise

Lord only knows where she got the knife, she didn’t have one on her when she came in. Before security could even get near her, she stabbed herself in the eye right to the hilt and kept stabbing over and over again. We got her restrained and medicated… I’ll never forget it, I’ve seen psyc cases before but nothing like that. Just stabbing her own eye over and over again.

Mental health officials in the city of Chicago have been plagued lately by a striking rise in hospitalizations and reported suicides. Officials decline to comment on possible causes. First responders have also reported a notable spike in near-suicides and others in severe mental distress. The similarities in cases is causing serious concern among the cities hospitals and other care facilities.

Two local hospitals have issued similar reports stating that patients have a unique chemical imbalance related to a lack of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. REM sleep is necessary for the psychological well being of everyone, without it a person becomes unable to perform simple tasks and can become paranoid and even violent. While it is unclear at this time what might cause such a spike in this rare mental breakdown there has been talk of it being related to some kind of new drug. Police have only commented that should a new drug surface which threatens the public health they would release a statement. They declined to directly comment on the potential existence of such a drug saying that comments on ongoing investigations are against policy.

The public faith in law enforcement and the Mayor’s ability to handle a new crisis has been hindered by the recent killings which are still largely unexplained in the surround areas around Chicago. Accusations that city officials only care if the affluent neighborhoods are effective have been met with stark denials. Mental health officials have noted that cases of mental distress to tend to fall along socio-economic lines but that will not hinder their research into possible causes for this latest outbreak in mental health cases.

Symptoms of this potentially new condition progress rapidly; irritability, inability to concentrate, trouble remembering, and insomnia seem to be among the initial symptoms. Hospital officials cannot give an exact timeline but they have stated one the initial symptoms set in the progression quickly escalates into paranoid and violent behavior eventually culminating in thought of suicide. While no names of victims have been released at this time one hospital official who spoke to us on condition of anonymity for fear of losing their job stated:

You don’t want to see how this happens. I was present when one of these patients went south. She was holding on, upset, having hallucinations, and paranoid but holding on with the hope she was in a safe place, you know? We had her comfortable but within minutes of falling asleep she had leaped out of bed, torn the IV needs from her arm, and was threatening nurses with a knife. Lord only knows where she got the knife, she didn’t have one on her when she came in. Before security could even get near her, she stabbed herself in the eye right to the hilt and kept stabbing over and over again. We got her restrained and medicated… I’ll never forget it, I’ve seen psyc cases before but nothing like that. Just stabbing her own eye over and over again.

Anonymous Source

Horrific stories like these have started to surface, yet officials are baffled. What could be causing such a thing?

Call for Players to Multiple Plots

I’ve been rumbling about starting a number of plots lately. Here are the plots I’m currently working on. Players should DM me if they are interested.

Blazing Umbra

The first upcoming plot here is From All to None, where a group of Temporal Operatives is disavowed and has been framed by an outside party. The group must then endeavor to clear their names before the Solas Tempus authorities find them.

We’ve got positions open for the Temporal Operatives as well as their ships MSAI. The plot is going to begin where they must convince their ships MSAI to help them rather than take over the ship and turn them in. Please DM me if anyone is interested.

The second upcoming plot for Blazing Umbra is the Exploring a Derelict plot. This plot is exactly what it says on the tin, a derelict vessel of some fame for vanishing without a trace is discovered. The players receive a vague threat and go aboard to find out what happened to the ghost ship. Once there they find out too much information and must figure out how to get off the ship and away from it with their lives. Please DM me if anyone is interested.

Angelic Sins

The main upcoming plot here is the Mysterious Door appearing in Chicago. The group of players will become involved in a fable-like scenario where one or all of the players tries to open the door and incurs the wrath of what lies beyond it. The entity will then come out of the door to take back with it the person(s) who tries to open the door or it will kill the loved ones of the person(s) as payment for being disturbed.

This one will be a bit difficult for me to write but I’m looking forward to it. Rather than focused on combat, it will be focused on the chase itself. Some goal will be given that needs to be accomplished while protecting loved ones to appease the entity. Please DM me if you’re interested.